Space for Lent

I recently heard a powerful quote by Brené Brown: “Hope is the most vulnerable emotion.” This phrase stopped me in my tracks. How is hope vulnerable? Hope, after all, puts us out there; it reveals what we believe and where we are heading.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Lent: A Season for Honesty and Reflection

We are now in Lent—a season to reflect, remember, and prepare for Jesus’ resurrection. Lent allows us to embrace hope in Jesus Christ, even as we face life’s darker sides. In a culture that often promotes only the positive, Lent creates a unique space for us to acknowledge our struggles and bring them to Jesus.

A Hope that Carries Us to Easter

Lent reminds us that Easter is coming—that there is an end to suffering because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Thomas J. Talley describes Lent as a chance to "rediscover ourselves" by turning to God, embracing humility, and releasing preoccupations that often define us.

I am praying for each of you as we journey through Lent. Whatever you’re facing, remember that nothing is too big for the resurrection. Easter is coming!


Easter Sneak Peek


Reflecting on 21 Days of Prayer: Embracing Imperfection