Reflecting on 21 Days of Prayer: Embracing Imperfection

Can I be honest with you? During our church’s 21 days of prayer, I missed a day. As the pastor, my first reaction was embarrassment—what if someone found out? But then I remembered the heart behind these 21 days. It wasn’t about perfection or checking boxes. It was about starting my days with, “God, what do you have for me today? What is the more I should be looking for?”

Discovering “The More”

Each day, I found God’s presence in unexpected places. Sometimes it was in a conversation with my child, a prayer for a friend, or even a much-needed nap (oops). Looking for “the more” God has for us each day has been a joy. I’ve realized that God is always at work in our lives—it’s just a matter of paying attention.

Continuing the Journey

I’m committed to continuing this practice. And if I miss a day, or take another nap along the way, that’s okay. Maybe that’s exactly what God had planned for me.


Space for Lent


Greetings from Sierra Leone: Updates from the Mission Team