Easter Sneak Peek

It's Holy Week! As we journey through Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, there’s a temptation to feel too familiar with it all—like it’s the same story we hear each year. But what if this year could be different?

A New Easter Message

This year, we’re continuing our series in the Book of Acts instead of a traditional Easter message. We’ll explore the next passage in our study, so it won’t be your “same Easter message again.” Plus, I can’t spoil anything, but let’s just say… if you were here for the Sunday I did a rap, you won’t want to miss the beginning!

Celebrating Baptisms

We’re also celebrating baptisms! Baptism is a powerful symbol of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Going down into the water represents His death; coming up signifies new life in Christ. Baptism is an outward declaration of faith, showing that our sins are washed away (symbolically) and we have new life in Him. It’s a beautiful reminder of why Easter matters.

Invite a Friend

It’s the perfect time to invite someone to church. I’m praying for our services, for each of you, and for your “one” who may join us this Sunday. See you Sunday morning for an unforgettable Easter!


Live to Give Podcast


Space for Lent