How Can We Pray for You?
If you’re new to Faith Church, we’d love to get to know you! Our Prayer Ministry is here to support you, offering encouragement, resources, and prayer to help you experience God’s presence in every season.
Share a Prayer Request
Have a prayer need? Share it with us, and you can choose to keep it private or share it with our prayer chain. Your needs will be lifted up with care and compassion.
Join the Prayer Chain
Our prayer chain is a group of individuals dedicated to praying for the needs of our church and community. Sign up to receive prayer requests and join us in lifting others up.
Thursday Prayer Gathering
Every Thursday at 9:15 AM, we gather to support one another through prayer. Whether you have a prayer need or wish to pray for others, you're welcome to join us as we strengthen our faith and community together.
Connect with Our Care Team
Our Care Team is here to lend a hand, share a meal, offer a ride, or provide support however it’s needed. From simple gestures to more involved tasks, we come together to serve each other with love and compassion. Whether you’re going through a difficult time, need a little extra support, or feel called to help others, we’re here to connect and walk alongside you.
“Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” – James 2:8
Would you like to request care or volunteer to serve?