Growing Pains

Hello Faith Church Family!
Ash here, and I have something so much on my heart that I’m excited to share with you!

We’ve just finished a series in our journey through the book of Acts called “Growing Pains.” At the beginning of the series, we sent out a survey about the growing pains that Faith Church has experienced, from heartaches to challenges we’ve overcome, and it was beautiful to read your answers!

I’ve come to learn this: Faith Church is not a perfect place; the people here are not perfect, and mistakes have been made, but there has been SO MUCH love and grace given and received throughout the years that it’s overwhelming my heart with gratitude.

You have described our church like this:

Faith Church is a place where people can go to grow in their faith and find community.

Faith Church is a place of healing.

Faith Church is a place of second chances.

Faith Church is a place of authenticity.

We love to laugh. (I threw that one in myself 🙂)

Faith Church is full of AMAZING, kind-hearted, Jesus-seeking people who don’t “have it all together,” but together, we have it all.

We make room for Holy Spirit to move, and do our best to lean in and follow.

It’s a place where Jesus is elevated above politics and personal preferences.

A place where risks are taken, and adjustments are made as needed.

Faith Church is a place that truly welcomes everyone in to worship Jesus, no matter where they’re at in their journey.

We are a people who pray for and embrace diversity; who long for our church to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven.

We are a church who are more concerned about the hearts of the people in the seats than the number of people in the seats.

Faith Church, in its ministries, teams, and workings, aims to live out the love of Jesus.

More things were mentioned, but this list seemed to be the consensus.

At the end of the survey, we asked if anyone had words of encouragement they wanted to share with the church:

“Church is hard. It’s not perfect and never will be. It’s going to go through ups and downs, seasons of good times and bad, but the church needs commitment from people who are willing to say, ‘it’s not about me,’ and make the adjustments and be flexible and ride it out so that there is stability through the changes. Ultimately, this is Christ’s church, and it will go on. We just have to decide if we want to be along with Him.”

“I love the times of bonding and getting together. Men’s & Women’s breakfasts, etc…”

“We have a Godly staff here. I praise God for each of you! And I pray that God will continue to guide all of you, to lead us!”

“Keep shining and loving. Thank you for being open to loving the hurting and broken.”

“Don't give up on God. He IS listening, even when it feels like he's not. He is working though you can't see it. Don't fall for the fallacy of your own understanding.”

“If you're serving, I'm incredibly thankful for you. Especially those friends in the lower level in kids ministry. It's not the most glamorous job -but you show up and love on those kids. Thanks for pouring into the next generation. Staff- thanks for serving our church in some of the hardest years to serve EVER. Thanks for loving people well. I pray for every single one of you to remain encouraged. You're important to our family. You're important to our congregation, and we're grateful to you.”

“Keep up the good work!”

This brings me to my own thoughts:

I LOVE my church. 

Your staff LOVES all of YOU. 

I know I can speak for everyone when I say it is truly an honor and a privilege to serve, love on, and lead you as we seek the heart of the Father together. We pray grace and peace over each of you, and pray that you know you are so so loved.


Ashley Burger

Worship Pastor


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