Faith Connections

Faith Connections is the name of our new weekly video series that is all set to begin on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024.  Each video will only be a couple of minutes long and primarily focused on how our faith makes connections.


There is a book in the Bible called Hebrews. In this book of the Bible, there is a chapter that has been deemed the faith chapter. Hebrews chapter eleven defines faith.  “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.  This is what the ancients were commended for” (Hebrews 11:1-2, NIV).  This chapter goes on to provide many examples of how people lived out their faith.


Before all the examples, the writer of Hebrews unpacks the definition of faith further. “By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hebrews 11:3).  The phrase, “what is seen was not made out of what was visible” is fascinating. 


In faith, there is an element where we need to connect the things between what is human and what is God.  In other words, our faith needs to make connections.


Several years ago, I was reading a book written by Ken Robinson (2009) titled The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.  Robinson has this quote about connections:


Growth comes through analogy, through seeing how things connect rather than only seeing how they might be different.  Certainly, the epiphany stories in this book indicate that many of the moments when things suddenly become clear happen from seeing new connections between events, ideas, and circumstances” (p. 50).


This is my hope with these weekly videos called Faith Connections. I am hoping your faith suddenly becomes more and more clear.  I hope our faith will grow the more connections we make.


With the first video's release, the subject matter is focused on joy.  Joy has tremendously helped me find more connections with my faith.  Joy is a gift that has helped me bring the mundane of life and see more of God.  Joy has surprised me to see Jesus in the details of life.  What better place to start this weekly video series than with the gift of joy?


In the first video, I read a longer quote from author Brad Montague about Joy.  I would like to conclude with the same quote.


Masterplan For A More Joyful World

Sing, Dance, throw more parties.


Just remember: joy is more than confetti and more than pancakes (and even more than confetti pancakes.). It is not just dessert.  Joy is the meal.  Joy is not some sweet little thing.  Joy is rebellious.  Joy knows there are challenges but shows up anyway.  Joy is essential.  We forget, but joy reminds us.  Joy points us back to who we are.  Joy is pursuing us.  Joy knows there’s heartbreak but also knows there is music.  Joy knows there are dogs with heads awaiting little pats.  There are clouds.  There’s the snort laugh of your aunt.  There’s you…reaching to find forgotten money in an old jacket pocket.


That’s joy.  It’s waiting to be found and hoping to be shared.


Because here’s the thing: joy is also the sharing of joy.  I know it doesn’t make sense.  Joy can be confusing; it defies math and physics and all things rational, but joy doesn’t run out.  It multiplies.


Joy creates more joy.


So here’s the plan: find joy.  Share joy.  Repeat.



Nate Barnell

Spiritual Formations Pastor




A Love Story